1771 - 1775 (3 years)
Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1771 | - 1771—1771: Right to report Parliamentary debates established in England
2 | 1772 | - 1772—1772: First Travellers' Cheques issued by the London Credit Exchange Company
- 1772—1772: Morning Post' first published (until 1937)
- 14 May 1772—14 May 1772: Judge Mansfield rules that there is no legal basis for slavery in England
3 | 1774 | - 13 Sep 1774—13 Sep 1774: Cook arrives on Easter Island
4 | 1775 | - 19 Apr 1775—19 Apr 1775: Battle of Lexington: first action in American War of Independence (1775- 1783)