Maw, Mary

Female 1675 - 1689  (14 years)  

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1675—1675: Beginning of Whig party under Shaftsbury
  • 1675—1675: Rebuilding of St Paul's started by Wren (completed 1710)
  • 4 Mar 1675—4 Mar 1675: John Flamsteed appointed first Astronomer Royal of England
  • 10 Aug 1675—10 Aug 1675: Building of Royal Greenwich Observatory started
  • 1676—1676: Compton Census, named after its initiator Henry Compton, Bishop of London, was intended to discover the number of Anglican conformists, Roman Catholic recusants and Protestant dissenters in England and Wales from enquiries made in individual parishes
  • 1677—1677: Lee's Collection of Names of Merchants in London' published
  • 1678—1678: Extension of Test Act to peers
  • 1679—1679: Tories first so named
  • 27 May 1679—27 May 1679: Habeas Corpus Act becomes law in England - (later repealed from time to time)
  • 1680—1680: William Dockwra(y) begins his London Penny Post
  • 1680—1680: Dodo becomes extinct in Mauritius through over-hunting
  • 1681—1681: Second Test Act (against non-conformists) passed by Westminster Parliament
  • 1681—1681: Oil lighting first used in London streets
  • 1682—1682: Pennsylvania founded by William Penn
  • 1682—1682: Library of Advocates founded in Edinburgh - later National Library of Scotland
  • 1682—1682: Halley observes the comet which bears his name
  • 1683—1683: Wild boar become extinct in Britain
  • 6 Jun 1683—6 Jun 1683: Ashmolean Museum opened at Oxford - first museum in Britain
10 1685 
  • 1685—1685: James the Second (1685-1689, died 1701) - Monmouth rebellion and battle of Sedgemoor - British Army raised to 20,000 men
  • 1685—1685: Earl of Argyll's Invasion of Scotland
  • 1685—1685: Judge Jeffreys and the Bloody Assizes - 320 executed, 800 transported
11 1686 
  • 1686—1686: Release of all prisoners held for their religious beliefs
12 1687 
  • 4 Apr 1687—4 Apr 1687: James II issues the Declaration of Indulgence, suspending laws against Catholics and non-conformists
  • 5 Jul 1687—5 Jul 1687: Newton published his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica' - written in Latin
13 1688 
  • 1688—1688: British Army raised to 40,000
  • 1688—1688: Bill of Rights limits the powers of the monarchy over parliament
  • 1688—1688: Hearth Tax abolished
  • 1688—1688: Mutiny Act
  • Feb 1688—Feb 1688: Edward Lloyd's Coffee House opens - later became Lloyd's of London
  • Nov 1688—Nov 1688: The Glorious Revolution: James II abdicates
  • 5 Nov 1688—5 Nov 1688: William of Orange lands at Torbay
  • Dec 1688—Dec 1688: Siege of Londonderry (began Dec 1688; ended 28 Jul 1689)
14 1689 
  • 1689—1689: Devonport naval dockyard established
  • 13 Feb 1689—13 Feb 1689: William III and Mary II, daughter of James II, jointly take the throne (only William, however, has regal power)
  • 12 Mar 1689—12 Mar 1689: Deposed James VII & II flees to Ireland - defeated at the Battle of the Boyne (1 Jul 1690)
  • 24 May 1689—24 May 1689: Toleration Act passed for Protestant non-conformists
  • 27 Jul 1689—27 Jul 1689: Battle of Killiecrankie in Scotland - Jacobites defeated Government troops but at high cost
  • 16 Dec 1689—16 Dec 1689: Bill of Rights passed by Parliament, ending King's divine right to raise taxes or wage war