Brakefield, Andrew Harold

Male 1960 - 1972  (12 years)  

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 17 Mar 1960—17 Mar 1960: New ?1 notes issued by Bank of England
  • 18 Mar 1960—18 Mar 1960: Last steam locomotive of British Railways named
  • 21 Jul 1960—21 Jul 1960: Francis Chichester arrives in New York aboard Gypsy Moth II (took 40 days), winning the first single-handed transatlantic yacht race which he co-founded
  • 12 Aug 1960—12 Aug 1960: Echo I, the first (passive) communications satellite, launched
  • 12 Sep 1960—12 Sep 1960: MoT tests on motor vehicles introduced
  • 1 Oct 1960—1 Oct 1960: HMS 'Dreadnought' nuclear submarine launched
  • 2 Nov 1960—2 Nov 1960: Penguin Books found not guilty of obscenity in the 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' case
  • 1 Jan 1961—1 Jan 1961: Farthing ceases to be legal tender in UK
  • 13 Mar 1961—13 Mar 1961: Black & White ?5 notes cease to be legal tender
  • 14 Mar 1961—14 Mar 1961: New English Bible (New Testament) published
  • 1 May 1961—1 May 1961: Betting shops legal in Britain
  • 1962—1962: Britain passes Commonwealth Immigrants Act to control immigration
  • 1962—1962: Thalidomide withdrawn after it causes deformities in babies
  • 1962—1962: Britain and France agree to construct 'Concorde'
  • 25 May 1962—25 May 1962: Consecration of new Coventry Cathedral (old destroyed in WW2 blitz)
  • 15 Jun 1962—15 Jun 1962: First nuclear generated electricity to supplied National Grid (from Berkeley Glos)
  • Jul 1962—Jul 1962: First passenger-carrying hovercraft enters service, along the North Wales Coast from Moreton to Rhyl
  • 10 Jul 1962—10 Jul 1962: First TV transmission between US and Europe (Telstar) - first live broadcast on 23 Jul
  • 24 Oct 1962—24 Oct 1962: Cuba missile crisis - brink of nuclear war
  • 1963—1963: France vetoes Britain's entry into EEC
  • Jan 1963—Jan 1963: Cold weather forces cancellation of most football matches (only 4 English First Division matches in the month) - the first 'pools panel' created
  • 27 Mar 1963—27 Mar 1963: Beeching Report on British Railways (the 'Beeching Axe')
  • 1 Aug 1963—1 Aug 1963: Minimum prison age raised to 17
  • 8 Aug 1963—8 Aug 1963: 'Great Train Robbery' on Glasgow to London mail train
  • 17 Sep 1963—17 Sep 1963: Fylingdales (Yorks) early warning system operational
  • 18 Nov 1963—18 Nov 1963: Dartford Tunnel opens
  • 23 Nov 1963—23 Nov 1963: First episode of 'Dr Who' on BBC TV
  • 1 Jan 1964—1 Jan 1964: First 'Top of the Pops' on BBC TV
  • 9 Apr 1964—9 Apr 1964: First Greater London Council (GLC) election
  • 21 Apr 1964—21 Apr 1964: BBC2 TV launched
  • 22 Aug 1964—22 Aug 1964: 'Match of the Day' starts on BBC2
  • 4 Sep 1964—4 Sep 1964: Forth road bridge opens
  • 1965—1965: Britain enacts first Race Relations Act
  • 7 Feb 1965—7 Feb 1965: First US raids against North Vietnam
  • 7 Apr 1965—7 Apr 1965: Winston Churchill dies
  • 1 Aug 1965—1 Aug 1965: TV cigarette advertising banned in Britain
  • 8 Oct 1965—8 Oct 1965: Post Office Tower operational in London
  • 28 Oct 1965—28 Oct 1965: Death penalty for murder suspended in Britain for five-year trial period, then abolished 18 Dec 1969
  • 22 Dec 1965—22 Dec 1965: 70mph speed limit introduced on British roads
  • 14 Feb 1966—14 Feb 1966: Australia converts from ? to $
  • 3 May 1966—3 May 1966: 'The Times' begins to print news on its front page in place of classified Advertisements
  • 30 Jul 1966—30 Jul 1966: World Cup won by England at Wembley (4-2 in extra time v West Germany)
  • 8 Sep 1966—8 Sep 1966: First Severn road bridge opens
  • 21 Oct 1966—21 Oct 1966: Aberfan disaster - slag heap slip kills 144, incl. 116 children
  • 1 Dec 1966—1 Dec 1966: First Christmas stamps issued in Britain
  • 4 Jan 1967—4 Jan 1967: Donald Campbell dies attempting to break his world water speed record on Conniston Water - his body and Bluebird recovered in 2002
  • 18 Mar 1967—18 Mar 1967: 'Torrey Canyon' oil tanker runs aground off Lands End first major oil spill
  • 28 May 1967—28 May 1967: Francis Chichester arrives in Plymouth after solo circumnavigation in Gipsy Moth IV (he was knighted 7th July at Greenwich by the queen using the sword with which Elizabeth I had knighted Sir Francis Drake four centuries earlier
  • 27 Jun 1967—27 Jun 1967: First withdrawal from a cash dispenser (ATM) in Britain - at Enfield branch of Barclays
  • 1 Jul 1967—1 Jul 1967: First colour TV in Britain
  • 14 Aug 1967—14 Aug 1967: Offshore pirate radio stations declared illegal by the UK
  • 20 Sep 1967—20 Sep 1967: 'QE2' launched on Clydebank
  • 27 Sep 1967—27 Sep 1967: 'Queen Mary' arrives Southampton at end of her last transatlantic voyage
  • 30 Sep 1967—30 Sep 1967: BBC Radios 1 2 3 & 4 open first record played on Radio 1 was the controversial 'Flowers in the Rain' by 'The Move'
  • 5 Oct 1967—5 Oct 1967: Introduction of majority verdicts in English courts
  • 18 Feb 1968—18 Feb 1968: British Standard Time introduced - Summer Time became permanent but arguments prevailed and Britain reverted to GMT in October 1971
  • 18 Apr 1968—18 Apr 1968: London Bridge sold (and eventually moved to Arizona) - modern London Bridge, built around it as it was demolished, was opened in Mar 1973
  • 20 Apr 1968—20 Apr 1968: Enoch Powell 'Rivers of Blood' speech on immigration
  • 23 Apr 1968—23 Apr 1968: Issue of 5p and 10p decimal coins in Britain
  • 29 May 1968—29 May 1968: Manchester United first English club to win the European Cup
  • 11 Aug 1968—11 Aug 1968: Last steam passenger train service ran in Britain (Carlisle- Liverpool)
  • 16 Sep 1968—16 Sep 1968: Two-tier postal rate starts in Britain
  • 5 Oct 1968—5 Oct 1968: Beginning of disturbances in N Ireland
10 1969 
  • 2 Mar 1969—2 Mar 1969: Maiden flight of 'Concorde', at Toulouse
  • 7 Mar 1969—7 Mar 1969: Victoria Line tube opens in London
  • 17 Apr 1969—17 Apr 1969: Voting age lowered from 21 to 18
  • 2 May 1969—2 May 1969: Maiden voyage of liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2)
  • 31 Jul 1969—31 Jul 1969: Halfpenny ceases to be legal tender in Britain
  • 14 Aug 1969—14 Aug 1969: Civil disturbances in Ulster - Britain sends troops to support civil authorities
  • 7 Sep 1969—7 Sep 1969: First episode of 'Monty Python's Flying Circus' recorded
  • 14 Oct 1969—14 Oct 1969: 50p coin introduced in Britain (reduced in size 1998)
11 1970 
  • 1970—1970: Boeing 747 (Jumbo jet) goes into service
  • 17 Jun 1970—17 Jun 1970: Decimal postage stamps first issued for sale in Britain
  • 19 Jun 1970—19 Jun 1970: Edward Heath becomes Prime Minister
  • 30 Jul 1970—30 Jul 1970: Damages awarded to Thalidomide victims
  • 19 Sep 1970—19 Sep 1970: First Glastonbury Festival held
  • 20 Nov 1970—20 Nov 1970: Ten shilling note (50p after decimalisation) goes out of circulation in Britain
12 1971 
  • 1971—1971: Banking and Financial Dealings Act - replaced the Bank Holidays Act of 1871
  • 1971—1971: Sunday becomes the seventh day in the week as UK adopts decision of the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) to call Monday the first day
  • 1971—1971: 'Greenpeace' founded
  • 1971—1971: Rolls-Royce declared bankrupt
  • 3 Jan 1971—3 Jan 1971: Open University starts
  • 15 Feb 1971—15 Feb 1971: Decimalisation of coinage in UK and Republic of Ireland
  • 9 Aug 1971—9 Aug 1971: Internment without trial introduced in N Ireland
  • 28 Oct 1971—28 Oct 1971: Parliament votes to join Common Market (joined 1973)
  • 28 Oct 1971—28 Oct 1971: UK launches its first (and only) satellite, Prospero
13 1972 
  • 1972—1972: Britain imposes direct rule in Northern Ireland
  • 1972—1972: Strict anti-hijack measures introduced internationally, especially at airports
  • 1972—1972: Dutch Elm disease devastates trees across UK
  • 1972—1972: Domestic video cassette recorders introduced
  • 30 Jan 1972—30 Jan 1972: 'Bloody Sunday' in Derry, Northern Ireland
  • 28 May 1972—28 May 1972: Duke of Windsor (ex-King Edward VIII) dies in Paris