
Female Est 1727 - 1752  (25 years)  

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1727—1727: Board of Manufacturers established in Scotland
  • 11 Jun 1727—11 Jun 1727: George I dies - George II Hanover becomes king
  • 9 Nov 1729—9 Nov 1729: Treaty of Seville signed between Britain, France and Spain - Britain maintained control of Port Mahon and Gibraltar
  • 1730—1730: Irish famine
  • 1731—1731: Invention of seed drill by Jethro Tull [others say 1701]
  • 1731—1731: Invention of sextant by John Hadley
  • 7 Dec 1732—7 Dec 1732: Covent Garden Opera House opens
  • 1733—1733: Excise crisis: Sir Robert Walpole wanted to add excise tax to tobacco and wine - Pulteney and Bolingbroke oppose the excise tax
  • 1733—1733: Law forbidding the use of Latin in parish registers generally obeyed - some continued in Latin for a few years
  • 1733—1733: John Kay invents the flying shuttle, revolutionised the weaving industry
  • 1734—1734: Kent's Directory published
  • 1737—1737: Licensing Act restricts the number of London theatres and subects plays to censorship of the Lord Chamberlain (till 1950s)
  • 24 May 1738—24 May 1738: John Wesley has his conversion experience
10 1739 
  • 1739—1739: Wesley and Whitefield commence great Methodist revival
  • 7 Apr 1739—7 Apr 1739: Dick Turpin, highwayman, hanged at York
  • 23 Oct 1739—23 Oct 1739: War of Jenkins' Ear starts: Robert Walpole reluctantly declares war on Spain
11 1741 
  • 1741—1741: Benjamin Ingham founded the Moravian Methodists or Inghamites - Earliest Moravian registers
12 1742 
  • 1742—1742: England goes to war with Spain - incited by William Pitt the Elder (Earl of Chatham) for the sake of trade
13 1743 
  • 16 Jun 1743—16 Jun 1743: (June 27 in Gregorian calendar): Battle of Dettingen - last time a British sovereign (George II) led troops in battle
14 1744 
  • 1744—1744: Tune 'God Save the King' makes its appearance
15 1745 
  • 1745—1745: Jacobite rebellion in Scotland ('The Forty-five')
  • 19 Aug 1745—19 Aug 1745: Bonnie Prince Charlie (The Young Pretender) lands in the western Highlands - raises support among Episcopalian and Catholic clans - The Pretender's army invades Perth, Edinburgh, and England as far as Derby
16 1746 
  • 16 Apr 1746—16 Apr 1746: Battle of Culloden - last battle fought in Britain - 5,000 Highlanders routed by the Duke of Cumberland and 9,000 loyalists Scots - Young Pretender Charles flees to Continent, ending Jacobite hopes forever - the wearing of the kilt prohibited
17 1747 
  • 1747—1747: Abolition of Heritable Jurisdictions in Scotland
  • 1747—1747: Act for Pacification of the Highlands
18 1749 
  • 27 Apr 1749—27 Apr 1749: First performance of Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks (in Green Park, London)
19 1750 
  • Feb 1750—Feb 1750: Series of earthquakes in London and the Home Counties cause panic with predictions of an apocalypse (Feb/Mar)
  • 16 Nov 1750—16 Nov 1750: Original Westminster Bridge opened (replaced in 1862 due to subsidence)
20 1751 
  • Mar 1751—Mar 1751: Chesterfield's Calendar Act passed - royal assent to the bill was given on 22 May 1751 - decision to adopt Gregorian Calendar in 1752: In and throughout all his
21 1752 
  • 1752—1752: Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning conductor
  • 1 Jan 1752—1 Jan 1752: Beginning of the year 1752 [Scotland had adopted January as the start of the year in 1600, and some other countries in Europe had adopted the Gregorian calendar as early as 1582]
  • 3 Sep 1752—3 Sep 1752: Julian Calendar dropped and Gregorian Calendar adopted in England and Scotland, making this Sep 14