Maw, Christopher John

Male 1974 - 1988  (13 years)  

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1974—1974: New counties formed in Britain after re-organisation of some county boundaries
  • 1 Jun 1974—1 Jun 1974: Flixborough disaster: explosion at chemical plant kills 28 people
  • 7 Nov 1974—7 Nov 1974: Lord Lucan disappears
  • 21 Nov 1974—21 Nov 1974: Birmingham pub bombings by the IRA
  • 1975—1975: Unemployment in Britain rises above 1M for first time since before WW2
  • 11 Feb 1975—11 Feb 1975: Margaret Thatcher becomes leader of Conservative party (in opposition)
  • 28 Feb 1975—28 Feb 1975: Moorgate tube crash in London - over 43 deaths, greatest loss of life on the Underground in peacetime. The cause of the incident was never conclusively determined
  • 4 Mar 1975—4 Mar 1975: Charlie Chaplin knighted
  • 5 Jun 1975—5 Jun 1975: UK votes in a referendum to stay in the European Community
  • 29 Oct 1975—29 Oct 1975: 'Yorkshire Ripper' commits his first murder
  • 3 Nov 1975—3 Nov 1975: First North Sea oil comes ashore
  • 29 Nov 1975—29 Nov 1975: The name 'Micro-soft' coined by Bill Gates (Microsoft' became a Trademark the following year)
  • 27 Dec 1975—27 Dec 1975: Equal Pay Act and Sex Discrimination Act come into force
  • 1976—1976: 'Cod War' between Britain and Iceland
  • 1976—1976: Deaths exceeded live births in E&W for first time since records began in 1837
  • 1976—1976: James Callaghan becomes Prime Minister
  • 1976—1976: National Theatre opens in London
  • 21 Jan 1976—21 Jan 1976: Concorde enters supersonic passenger service
  • 1 Apr 1976—1 Apr 1976: Apple Computer formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • 6 Aug 1976—6 Aug 1976: Drought Act 1976 comes into force ? the long, hot summer
  • 2 Mar 1977—2 Mar 1977: 'Red Rum' wins a third Grand National
  • 25 May 1977—25 May 1977: George Lucas' film Star Wars' released
  • 5 Jun 1977—5 Jun 1977: Apple II, the first practical personal computer, goes on sale
  • 7 Jun 1977—7 Jun 1977: Queen's Silver Jubilee celebrations in London
  • 22 Nov 1977—22 Nov 1977: Regular supersonic Concorde service between London and NY inaugurated
  • 8 Apr 1978—8 Apr 1978: Regular broadcast of proceedings in Parliament starts
  • 1 May 1978—1 May 1978: First May Day holiday in Britain
  • 25 Jul 1978—25 Jul 1978: World's first 'test tube' baby, Louise Browne born in Oldham
  • 30 Nov 1978—30 Nov 1978: Publication of The Times suspended - industrial relations problems (until 13 Nov 1979)
  • 1 Mar 1979—1 Mar 1979: 32.5% of Scots vote in favor of devolution (40% needed) - Welsh vote overwhelmingly against
  • 30 Mar 1979—30 Mar 1979: Airey Neave killed by a car bomb at Westminster
  • 31 Mar 1979—31 Mar 1979: Withdrawal of the Royal Navy from Malta
  • 4 May 1979—4 May 1979: Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman UK Prime Minister
  • 1 Jul 1979—1 Jul 1979: Sony introduces the Walkman
  • 27 Aug 1979—27 Aug 1979: Lord Mountbatten and 3 others killed in bomb blast off coast of Sligo, Ireland
  • 18 Sep 1979—18 Sep 1979: ILEA votes to abolish corporal punishment in its schools
  • 5 May 1980—5 May 1980: SAS storm Iranian Embassy in London to free hostages
  • 8 Dec 1980—8 Dec 1980: John Lennon assassinated in New York
  • 25 Jan 1981—25 Jan 1981: Launch of SDP by 'Gang of Four' in Britain
  • 29 Mar 1981—29 Mar 1981: First London marathon run
  • 11 Apr 1981—11 Apr 1981: Brixton riots in South London - 30 other British cities also experience riots
  • 25 Apr 1981—25 Apr 1981: Worst April blizzards this century in Britain
  • 27 Apr 1981—27 Apr 1981: First use of computer mouse (by Xerox PARC system)
  • 29 Jul 1981—29 Jul 1981: Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer (divorced 28 Aug 1996)
  • 12 Aug 1981—12 Aug 1981: IBM launches the first PC
  • 12 Aug 1981—12 Aug 1981: IBM launches its PC ? starts the general use of personal computers
  • 26 Jan 1982—26 Jan 1982: Unemployment reached 3 million in Britain (1 in 8 of working population)
  • 5 Feb 1982—5 Feb 1982: Laker Airways collapses
  • 19 Feb 1982—19 Feb 1982: DeLorean Car factory in Belfast goes into receivership
  • 18 Mar 1982—18 Mar 1982: Argentinians raised flag in South Georgia
  • 2 Apr 1982—2 Apr 1982: Argentina invades Falkland (Malvinas) Islands
  • 5 Apr 1982—5 Apr 1982: Royal Navy fleet sails from Portsmouth for Falklands
  • 2 May 1982—2 May 1982: British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror sinks Argentine cruiser General Belgrano
  • 28 May 1982—28 May 1982: First land battle in Falklands (Goose Green)
  • 14 Jun 1982—14 Jun 1982: Ceasefire in Falklands
  • 21 Jun 1982—21 Jun 1982: Prince William is born
  • 20 Jul 1982—20 Jul 1982: IRA bombings in London (Hyde Park and Regents Park)
  • 19 Sep 1982—19 Sep 1982: Smiley emoticon :-) said to have been used for the first time
  • 11 Oct 1982—11 Oct 1982: Mary Rose' raised in the Solent (sank in 1545)
  • 31 Oct 1982—31 Oct 1982: Thames Barrier raised for first time (some say first public demonstration Nov 7)
  • 2 Nov 1982—2 Nov 1982: Channel 4 TV station launched - first programme 'Countdown'
  • 4 Nov 1982—4 Nov 1982: Lorries up to 38 tonnes allowed on Britain's roads
  • 12 Dec 1982—12 Dec 1982: Women's peace protest at Greenham Common (Cruise missiles arrived 14 Nov 1983)
10 1983 
  • 1983—1983: First female Lord Mayor of London elected (Dame Mary Donaldson)
  • 17 Jan 1983—17 Jan 1983: Start of breakfast TV in Britain
  • 31 Jan 1983—31 Jan 1983: Seat belt law comes into force
  • 21 Apr 1983—21 Apr 1983: ?1 coin into circulation in Britain
  • 7 Oct 1983—7 Oct 1983: Plans to abolish GLC announced
  • 26 Nov 1983—26 Nov 1983: Brinks Mat robbery: 6,800 gold bars worth nearly ?26 million are stolen from a vault at Heathrow Airport
11 1984 
  • 6 Mar 1984—6 Mar 1984: Miners strike begins
  • 17 Apr 1984—17 Apr 1984: Police Constable Yvonne Fletcher killed by gunfire from the Libyan Embassy in London
  • 22 Jun 1984—22 Jun 1984: Inaugural flight of Virgin Atlantic
  • 9 Jul 1984—9 Jul 1984: York Minster struck by lightning - the resulting fire damaged much of the building but the Rose Window' not affected
  • 12 Oct 1984—12 Oct 1984: IRA bomb explodes at Tory conference hotel in Brighton - 4 killed
  • 24 Oct 1984—24 Oct 1984: Miners' strike ? High Court orders sequestration of NUM assets
  • 3 Dec 1984—3 Dec 1984: British Telecom privatised - shares make massive gains on first day's trading
12 1985 
  • 3 Mar 1985—3 Mar 1985: Miners agree to call off strike
  • 11 Mar 1985—11 Mar 1985: Al Fayed buys Harrods
  • 13 Jul 1985—13 Jul 1985: Live Aid' pop concert raises over ?50M for famine relief
  • 1 Sep 1985—1 Sep 1985: Wreck of Titanic' found (sank 1912)
13 1986 
  • 31 Mar 1986—31 Mar 1986: GLC and 6 metropolitan councils abolished
  • 26 Apr 1986—26 Apr 1986: Chernobyl nuclear accident - radiation reached Britain on 2 Ma
  • 26 May 1986—26 May 1986: The European Community adopts the European flag
  • 23 Jul 1986—23 Jul 1986: Prince Andrew, Duke of York marries Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey
  • 27 Oct 1986—27 Oct 1986: 'Big Bang' (deregulation) of the London Stock Market
  • 29 Oct 1986—29 Oct 1986: M25 motorway ring around London completed
14 1987 
  • 1987—1987: World population crossed the 5 billion mark
  • 2 Feb 1987—2 Feb 1987: Terry Waite kidnapped in Beirut (released 17 Nov 1991)
  • 6 Mar 1987—6 Mar 1987: Car ferry Herald of Free Enterprise' capsizes off Zeebrugge - 188 die
  • 1 Jul 1987—1 Jul 1987: Excavation begins on the Channel Tunnel
  • 19 Aug 1987—19 Aug 1987: Hungerford Massacre - Michael Ryan kills sixteen people with a rifle
  • 16 Oct 1987—16 Oct 1987: The 'Hurricane' sweeps southern England
  • 19 Oct 1987—19 Oct 1987: 'Black Monday' in the City of London - Stock Market crash
  • 8 Nov 1987—8 Nov 1987: Enniskillen bombing at a Remembrance Day ceremony
  • 18 Nov 1987—18 Nov 1987: King's Cross fire in London - 31 people die
15 1988 
  • 5 Feb 1988—5 Feb 1988: First 'Red Nose Day' in UK, raising money for charity
  • 6 Jul 1988—6 Jul 1988: Piper Alpha disaster - North Sea oil platform destroyed by explosion and fire killing 167 men
  • 15 Nov 1988—15 Nov 1988: Copyright, Designs and Patents Act - reformulated the statutory basis of copyright law (including performing rights) in the UK
  • 12 Dec 1988—12 Dec 1988: Clapham Junction rail crash kills 35 and injures hundreds after two collisions of three commuter trains
  • 21 Dec 1988—21 Dec 1988: Lockerbie disaster - Pan Am flight 103 explodes over Scotland