Mizpah Cemetery, Platteville, Weld County, Colorado, USA

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Latitude: 40.2178479739893, Longitude: -104.81351852416992 | Click to get directions to Mizpah Cemetery
Mizpah Cemetery


Located 1/2 mile East of Platteville on Weld County Road 32 in Township 3, Range 66, Section 18. The Platteville Mizpah Cemetery is the oldest public cemetery in Weld County that is still in use. It is operated by the Town of Platteville. Originally called the Sandhill Cemetery by the pioneers, it was renamed Mizpah Cemetery after 1926. In 1926, the Mizpah Club made the improvement of the cemetery their club project. With the club as a driving force, cemetery improvement became a community project. Trees, shrubs, and grass were planted as money became available. A WPA project in 1939 fenced the cemetery and installed the first rock gateway. The second rock gateway was built and dedicated to the memory of the area servicemen who lost their lives in World War II.
An unknown person is the first recorded burial, the first named burial was in 1873. Persons associated with the nearby fur trading posts and Fort Vasquez may have been buried on the hill as early as the 1840s. A local folklore heroine named Rattlesnake Kate is buried in Mizpah Cemetery. One day in 1925, she killed 140 rattlesnakes on her way to a pond with her son. The snakes were collected and the skins were used to make a dress, which she wore to many functions. Her story is on file with the Platteville Pioneer Museum.

All Burials - Mizpah Cemetery, Platteville, Weld County, Colorado, USA

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Millensifer, James   13 Jun 1812    26 Jul 1912    1912 I42913
2. Millensifer, William   30 Nov 1880  , , Nebraska, USA  29 Jan 1962  Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA  Feb 1962 I41037
3. Moody, Bertha M   19 Feb 1880  , Crawford, Iowa, USA  25 Dec 1961  Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA  Dec 1961 I41078