Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA

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Latitude: 34.14711552834683, Longitude: -118.32288265228271 | Click to get directions to Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills
Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills


Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Hollywood Hills)
6300 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, 90068 USA
PHONE 800-204-3131

This is one of the final resting places of Hollywood stars, and suitably overlooks the Universal , Disney and Warner Brothers studios in North Hollywood. Though huge in its own right, the park is smaller than its Glendale counterpart, located just 10 minutes away, and there aren't too many celebs buried here. Well-known names include Lucille Ball, Gene Autry, Ricky Nelson and Steve Allen. The place also salutes the American Revolution with “The Birth of Liberty”, allegedly the largest historical mosaic in the world, and life-sized bronze statues of erstwhile presidents. Models of old-world churches also dot the scene, adding to the ambiance. Admission is free and hours are seasonal. Gather some stardust!

See also: http:/​/​en​.wikipedia​.org/​wiki/​Forest_​Lawn_​Memorial_​Park_​(Hollywood_​Hills)

All Burials - Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Baird, Nellie B.   11 Jul 1880  , , Michigan, USA  7 Feb 1965  , Los Angeles, California, USA  Feb 1965 I38713
2. Douglas, Marybelle   28 Dec 1905  Houghton, Houghton, Michigan, USA  2 Sep 1990  Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA  Sep 1990 I11522
3. Douglas, Robert Spencer   20 Mar 1883  , Houghton, Michigan, USA  2 Feb 1965  , Los Angeles, California, USA  Feb 1965 I38712
4. Lampert, Virginia Kathryn   9 Jul 1899  , , Utah, USA  10 Aug 1958    Aug 1958 I62144
5. Maw, Byron Brown   28 Feb 1897  Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA  22 Sep 1965  , , California, USA  Sep 1965 I11520
6. Mowe, Louisa Anna   9 Jun 1895  , Keokuk, Iowa, USA  5 Nov 1964  Burbank, Los Angeles, California, USA  9 Nov 1964 I32798
7. Nielsen or Nelson, John Karl   9 Sep 1913  Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA  24 Jun 1980  Gardena, LA, California  Jun 1980 I68642