1911 - 2004 (92 years)
Has no ancestors and no descendants in this family tree.
Set As Default Person
Notes |
- Social Security Number: 528-34-7697
The state listed in the birth locality field
is where the Social Security Number was issued.
The zip code listed in the death locality field
is the last place of residence.
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 84401
Hooper, Weber, Utah
Marriott-Slaterville City, Weber, Utah
Ms City, Weber, Utah
Msc, Weber, Utah
Ogden, Weber, Utah
Roy, Weber, Utah
Taylor, Weber, Utah
West Haven, Weber, Utah
West Weber, Weber, Utah
Wilson, Weber, Utah
Sources |
- [S54] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, United States Social Security Death Index, (This data is only accurate as of 30 Sep 2000).
- [S113] Social Security Death Index, "Rootsweb," database, ((http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/ : 1/2/2010)), entry for Elizabeth V Maw, 09 Sep 2004, SS no. 528-34-7697, accessed 1 Feb 2010 (Reliability: 3).
Birth: 05 Dec 1911 - Death: 09 Sep 2004 (P) - Last residence: 84401 (Ogden, Weber, UT) - Last Benefit: (none specified) - SSN: 528-34-7697 - Issued: Utah