Godewaersvelde British Cemetery, Godewaersvelde, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

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Latitude: 50.79595, Longitude: 2.65238 | Click to get directions to Godewaersvelde British Cemetery
Godewaersvelde British Cemetery



Godewaersvelde is a village near the Belgian border, about 16 kilometres south-west of Ieper (Ypres; in Belgium), and is half-way between Poperinge (in Belgium) and Hazebrouck (in France). The British Cemetery is a little east of the village.

The cemetery was begun in July 1917 when three casualty clearing stations were moved to Godewaersvelde. The 37th and the 41st C.C.S. used it until November 1917 and the 11th until April 1918. From April to August 1918, during the German offensive in Flanders, a variety of field ambulance and fighting units carried on the burials. After the Armistice, the graves of five soldiers of the 110th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, were brought in from a point nearer the Mont des Cats and in May 1953, four graves in Godewaersvelde Churchyard were moved into the cemetery. A considerable French plot was made on the terrace at the higher end of the cemetery in May and June 1918, but the graves were later removed. Godewaersvelde British Cemetery now contains 972 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, and 19 German war graves. The cemetery was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

All Burials - British Cemetery, Godewaersvelde, , Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Bray, Gunner Edwin "Ted" "Ted"   16 Jul 1880  Burton upon Stather, , Lincolnshire, England  3 Sep 1917  Godewaersvelde, , Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France  1917 I10830