Cemetery, Brompton, Middlesex, England

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Latitude: 51.4839690, Longitude: -0.1897197 | Click to get directions to Cemetery


Also known as West London Cemetery, Westminster Cemetery

Fulham Road
West Brompton, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Greater London, SW10 9UG England

All Burials - Cemetery, Brompton, , Middlesex, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Barnett, Paulina   Abt 1805  Croydon, , Surrey, England  14 Dec 1867  "Somers Arms", 3 Ossulton Street, Euston Road, St Pancras, , London, England  19 Dec 1867 I11714
2. Blake, Honor   Abt 1838  Hastings, , Sussex, England  Nov 1883  2 Founders Court, Lothbury, City of London, , Greater London, England  30 Nov 1883 I8713
3. Maw, Charles   1809  Cirencester, , Gloucestershire, England  19 May 1873  "Somers Arms", 3 Ossulton Street, Euston Road, St Pancras, , London, England  24 May 1873 I11713
4. Maw, Charles Dudley   18 Jan 1896  Hinckley, , Leicestershire, England  28 Apr 1929  28 Marloes Road, Kensington, London, , England  3 May 1929 I5313
5. Maw, John   3 Jul 1853  Whalley, , Lancashire, England  Sep 1889  Westminster Hospital, Marsham Street, London, , Middlesex, England  9 Sep 1889 I9127
6. Maw, Lydia   Abt 1811  Cirencester, , Gloucestershire, England  19 Aug 1877  68 Dalyell Road, Brixton, , Surrey, England  24 Aug 1877 I14779