Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland, Sutherland Shire, New South Wales, Australia

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Latitude: -34.0328752, Longitude: 151.0519931 | Click to get directions to Woronora Cemetery
Woronora Cemetery


Woronora Memorial Park
Also known as Woronora Cemetery and Crematorium

121 Linden Street
Sutherland, Sutherland Shire, New South Wales, 2232 Australia
PHONE (02) 9545 4677
WEBSITE www​.woronoramemorialpark​.com​.au

Woronora Memorial Gardens formerly known as Woronora Cemetery & Crematorium is located on an area of over 110 acres in the southern Sydney suburb of Sutherland and is administered by the New South Wales Government appointed Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust which also controls Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park.

Woronora came into being after land that had been a brickworks and almost a racecourse was gazetted as a general cemetery on April 2 1895.
Up to the 1950's graves were usually surrounded by kerbing with a headstone attached. Around this time the lawn cemetery concept was introduced with a plain flat bronze plaque. The crematorium was officially opened on April 21 1934. In the 1970's above ground entombment was introduced.
As well as rose gardens, several niche buildings have been constructed, the Garden Court in the 1950's, followed by the Floral Court, the Palm Court in 1970 and the largest, the Centenary Court was built in 1995.

All Burials - Woronora Cemetery, Sutherland, Sutherland Shire, New South Wales, Australia

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Adams, Edward Green   Abt 1886    25 Nov 1962  Sutherland, Sutherland Shire, New South Wales, Australia  Nov 1962 I58571