Victoria Road Cemetery, Farnborough, Hampshire, England

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Victoria Road Cemetery


Victoria Road Cemetery
Union Street
Farnborough, Rushmoor Borough, Hampshire, GU14 7PL England

Cemetery notes and/or description:
The cemetery was opened in 1859 because the small churchyard at the Parish Church of St Peter in Farnborough was full due to the large number of military burials which took place after the Crimean War. Many of the soldiers returning to their base in North Camp died of their wounds and had to be buried in Farnborough as the North Camp was within the parish boundary.

It was built by David Smith, builder, of Frimley at a cost of £283 and it took 2 months to build. It was consecrated in 1859, and the the first burial was that of Anne Beagley. It is now estimated that the cemetery holds about 5000 graves.

This cemetery is one of the three operated by the Rushmoor Borough Council.

All Burials - Victoria Road Cemetery, Farnborough, , Hampshire, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Maw, John Bernard "Jim" "Jim"   23 Jul 1893  Hinckley, , Leicestershire, England  27 Aug 1957  Mytchett Army Summer Camp, Frimley Green, , Surrey, England  1957 I5312