Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery, Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

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Latitude: 44.5851498, Longitude: -79.4271215 | Click to get directions to Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery
Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery


Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery
Also known as Institution Cemetery

Orillia, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada

The Cemetery at the Huronia Regional Centre

Huronia Regional Centre (previously known as the Orillia Asylum for Idiots) was the only facility [in the Ontario Asylum System] that had its own cemetery for the residents who died there.

Before 1958, gravestones were marked with registration numbers only. This was to protect the privacy of the resident and their family. A new section was added to the cemetery in 1953. Starting in 1958, all gravestones were marked with the resident's name, year of birth and year of death.

The last institutional burial was in 1971. After 1971, all residents who passed away at the institution were buried in municipal cemeteries according to the wishes of their families.

There are 571 marked graves and an estimated 1,440 unmarked graves.

In 1990, a monument was erected with the following inscription.

In Memory of Those Whose Life Journey Ended Here

This monument has been erected
in memory of those developmentally
handicapped people who lived
and died within the community
of the Ontario Hospital School,
Orillia from 1887 - 1971.

More than 2,000 people
were laid to rest here.

An unconfirmed GPS coordinate, but an educated guess is N44° 34.8584', W079° 25.2146'

All Burials - Huronia Regional Centre Cemetery, Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Maw, Walter Robert       3 Aug 1910  Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada  Aug 1910 I60274