Derbyshire Lane Cemetery, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

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Latitude: 53.3469351, Longitude: -1.4751238999999714 | Click to get directions to Derbyshire Lane Cemetery
Derbyshire Lane Cemetery


aka Norton Cemetery

Derbyshire Lane
Metropolitan Borough of Sheffield
South Yorkshire England
Postal Code: S8 8

All Burials - Derbyshire Lane Cemetery, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Lowe, Mary Jane   Oct-Dec 1852  Sheffield, , Yorkshire, England  Apr 1883  Cross George Street, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  17 Apr 1883 I7989
2. Maw, Arthur   Apr-Jun 1888  District Ecclesall Bierlow  May 1889  Little London Place, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  29 May 1889 I13603
3. Maw, Edith   Apr-Jun 1886  District Ecclesall Bierlow  Aug 1887  Little London Place, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  2 Aug 1887 I15295
4. Maw, Florence   Bet Jan and Mar 1885  District Ecclesall Bierlow  Jun 1885  Little London Place, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  14 Jun 1885 I14908
5. Maw, Gertrude   Apr-Jun 1883  District Ecclesall Bierlow  Apr 1883  Cross George Street, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  17 Apr 1883 I14840
6. Maw, Hetty   Jan-Mar 1890  District Ecclesall Bierlow  Dec 1890  9 Little London Road, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  24 Dec 1890 I14924
7. Maw, Jane   Abt 1847    Sep 1905  11ct Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, , Yorkshire, England  7 Sep 1905 I51796
8. Maw, Mary   27 Jun 1885  5 Cross George Street, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  Oct 1885  5 Cross George Street, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire, England  2 Oct 1885 I14911
9. Mays, Harriet   Abt 1851  Kilburn, , Yorkshire, England  Dec 1903  73 Upper Valley Road, Heeley, Sheffield, , Yorkshire, England  5 Dec 1903 I5584