St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Latitude: 53.5163565, Longitude: -2.189486699999975 | Click to get directions to St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery

All Burials - St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, Manchester, , Lancashire, England

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Maw, Thomas   1837  Belton, , Lincolnshire, England  6 Dec 1908  Prestwich, , Lancashire, England  9 Dec 1908 I2391
2. Willan, Beatrice Isabel   Oct-Dec 1886  Prestwich, , Lancashire, England  18 Dec 1891  17 Apollo Street, Manchester, , Lancashire, England  22 Dec 1891 I12732
3. Willan, Edith Annie   Apr-Jun 1888  Prestwich, , Lancashire, England  24 Dec 1891  Manchester, , Lancashire, England  28 Dec 1891 I12734
4. Willan, Robert Henry   19 Apr 1891  17 Apollo Street, Manchester, , Lancashire, England  9 Feb 1935  4 Sawyer Street, Manchester, , Lancashire, England  14 Feb 1935 I12735