Lawrence Chapel Cemetery, Clemson, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA

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Latitude: 34.7448278, Longitude: -82.8359773 | Click to get directions to Lawrence Chapel Cemetery


Lawrence Chapel Methodist was organized in 1908 by Mr. Jim Lawrence and his sister Mrs. Lula Lawrence Ramsey. The first five years the congregation met in the old Long Branch school and all denominations attended.

In 1911, Mr. James Washington Lawrence deeded four acres of land to the Methodist conference for a church and cemetery. The church was completed in 1912 and the first service was held on May 1 1912. It was named Lawrence Chapel in honor of the Lawrence families. The church was placed on a charge with Mount Zion in Central and remained on a charge for 80 years. A.V. Harbin was the first pastor.

Lawrence Chapel has been blessed with many dedicated pastors whose labors and influence contributed much toward making the church what it is today. During the years several notable improvements were made. Lawrence Chapel UMC has had five ministers come from its congregation. This is a tremendous attestation to the spirituality of the congregations who have worshiped and served at LCUMC.

On January 26, 1992, under the pastorate of Rev. Bill Rogers, LCUMC voted to go station. In June, 1992, LCUMC was fortunate to have Rev. Franklin D. Hartsell, sent by the SC Methodist conference as its first very own pastor. Under his leadership, there has been a large increase in the attendance at Sunday School and Worship services. The membership has grown tremendously. Like all churches Lawrence Chapel has had its peaks and valleys but now the future looks extremely bright.