Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

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Latitude: 50.7087431077151, Longitude: 2.791900634765625 | Click to get directions to Trois Arbres Cemetery
Trois Arbres Cemetery

Country: France
Locality: Nord
Visiting Information: Wheelchair access to this cemetery is possible, but may be by alternative entrance. For further information regarding wheelchair access, please contact our Enquiries Section on 01628 507200.
Location Information: Steenwerck is a village on the D77 about 6 kilometres south-east of Bailleul, and to the east of the road from Bailleul to Estaires. The Cemetery is situated to the north-east midway between the village and the main road from Bailleul to Armentieres and north of the recently built motorway.
Historical Information: Steenwerck village remained untouched for much of the First World War, but on 10 April 1918 it was captured by the Germans and remained in their possession until the beginning of October. Trois-Arbres passed into German hands a day later than Steenwerck, after a rearguard defence by the 34th Division. The site for Trois Arbres Cemetery was chosen for the 2nd Australian Casualty Clearing Station in July 1916, and Plot 1 and the earlier rows of Plot II, were made and used by that hospital until April 1918. A few further burials were made in the cemetery after the German withdrawal at the end of 1918 and after the Armistice, graves were brought into it from the battlefields of Steenwerck, Nieppe, Bailleul and Neuve-Eglise. There are now 1,704 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War buried or commemorated in this cemetery. 435 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to ten casualties known or believed to be buried among them. The cemetery was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.
No. of Identified Casualties: 1269

Source: http:/​/​www​.cwgc​.org/​search/​cemetery_​details​.aspx?cemetery=2000052&mode=1

All Burials - Trois Arbres Cemetery , Steenwerck, , Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Gatenby, Sergeant Laurence Frank   10 Apr 1889  Lake River  14 Jan 1917  France  1917 I25408