Communal Cemetery, Conde-sur-L'escaut, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

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Latitude: 50.45377, Longitude: 3.59298 | Click to get directions to Communal Cemetery
Communal Cemetery

Country: France
Locality: Nord
Location Information: Conde-sur-l'Escaut is a small fortified town in the Department of the Nord, north of Valenciennes towards Belgium. The Communal Cemetery, "Conde Centre", is located on the road to Bon Secours (D935), and the Commonwealth plot consists of two rows of war graves against the west end of the north wall.
Historical Information: Conde-sur-l'Escaut Communal Cemetery contains the graves of 90 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War, all of whom died in German hands between June 1917 and October 1918. The cemetery also contains three French war graves.
No. of Identified Casualties: 102

Source: http:/​/​www​.cwgc​.org/​search/​cemetery_​details​.aspx?cemetery=63801&mode=1

All Burials - Communal Cemetery, Conde-sur-L'escaut, Nord-pas-de-Calais, France

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Welton, Private Edwin   Abt 1897  Roxby, , Lincolnshire, England  11 May 1918  France   I4323