Hermanville War Cemetery, Hermanville, Basse-Normandie, France

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Latitude: 49.28580739038507, Longitude: -0.309065580368042 | Click to get directions to Hermanville War Cemetery
Hermanville War Cemetery

Country: France
Locality: Calvados
Location Information: Hermanville-sur-Mer lies 13 kilometres north of Caen on the road to Lion-sur-Mer (the D60). To reach the War Cemetery go northwards right through Hermanville; after leaving the Mairie (Town Hall) on your left, turn right. The gates to the War Cemetery will be found after 300 metres.
Historical Information: The Allied offensive in north-western Europe began with the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944. The village of Hermanville lay behind Sword beach and was occupied early on 6 June by men of the South Lancashire regiment. Later the same day, the Shropshire Light Infantry supported by the armour of the Staffordshire Yeomanry managed to reach and hold Bieville-Benville, four kilometres to the south of Hermanville. Many of those buried in Hermanville War Cemetery died on 6 June or during the first days of the drive towards Caen. The cemetery contains 1,003 Second World War burials, 103 of them unidentified.
No. of Identified Casualties: 903

Source: http:/​/​www​.cwgc​.org/​search/​cemetery_​details​.aspx?cemetery=2033000&mode=1

All Burials - Hermanville War Cemetery, Hermanville, , Basse-Normandie, France

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. Maw, Private Lewis   Jul-Sep 1925  District Barnsley  6 Jun 1944  Hermanville, , Haute-Normandie, France   I11257